Bridgestone VFIT


At the recent PGA Merchandise Show Bridgestone Golf debuted a neat way that ordinary golfers can improve their games and find which Bridgestone ball is best suited for them called VFIT.

Some may react with to this news with less than over-the-top enthusiasm until they find out VFIT is a sophisticated and practical tool even non-tech guys like myself will find easy to use plus there is no charge for the analysis.

VFIT starts with having a friend take a slow-motion video on a smartphone of the golfer’s driver swing from about ten feet parallel to the target line. Then on the Bridgestone Golf web site, tap “Find My Ball” and after answering a few simple questions click “submit video” …I said it was easy.

Bridgestone experts review the video using what they have learned from analyzing their database of over 300,000 live launch monitor fittings and send an email within 24 hours recommending the proper ball from their lineup to improve the golfer’s distance and accuracy.

Watch the actual process at

“Working with Tour Pros is a big source of information and inspiration for us in product development. That’s true too for VFIT. Tour Pros and elite amateurs are often on the road and away from their swing coaches,” said Adam Rehberg, Golf Ball Fitting Manager. “We noticed how often they use swing video to maintain person-to-person contact with their coach and get needed advice. With VFIT we are doing the same thing – empowering players to make person-to-person connections with experienced ball fitting technicians that can help them improve their game. It’s simple and eective – we are excited to bring this complimentary service to players.”

As Rehberg points out there is no charge for this service and in fact it is another of Bridgestone’s customer-centered initiatives looking to earn back the number two spot in the ball market behind number one Titleist, a spot which Callaway Golf took from Bridgestone over the last four years.

To find out additional information about VFIT visit

Ed Travis

Ed Travis is a national award winning golf journalist and has carried on a lifelong love affair with the game. His work covering the business of golf, equipment, golf personalities and travel is regularly seen in numerous print and electronic publications. He has competed in tournament golf both as an amateur and senior professional and though his competitive days are behind him, Travis still plays regularly. He and his wife live on a water hazard in suburban Orlando.

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