Golf Pride Reverse Taper Grips


Golf Pride has added three reverse taper putter grips to their lineup, a design to aid in keeping the hands less active and quieter during the stroke.

Fast Facts Golf Pride Reverse Taper Grips
Three cross sections
Lower portion of grip larger
Pistol—64g for left-hand low
Round—62g circular upper section enlarging to lower
Flat—62g oval upper section
Polyurethane construction
Dimpled surface
Available April 15, 2024
$29.99 each

Reverse taper grips help stabilize the hands, i.e., removing hands from putting to improve contact with the ball and provide consistency in line and distance control.

Golf Pride, after extensive testing is marketing the three basic grip shapes with the smaller upper section gradually tapering to a larger lower section. The dimpled polyurethane surface has a soft feel and is slightly tacky. The distinctive color pattern of the grips aids in consistent placement of the hands.

“Within the putter grip category, we observed a trend in which manufacturers were actively trying to design products that removed the hands from the putting process, whereas our research indicates that by optimizing the connection between the hands and grip that players can improve their performance,” says James Ledford, President of Golf Pride. “Through hundreds of concept iterations, our innovation team created Reverse Taper, which has tested quite positively with players of all skill levels.”

Ed Travis

Ed Travis is a national award winning golf journalist and has carried on a lifelong love affair with the game. His work covering the business of golf, equipment, golf personalities and travel is regularly seen in numerous print and electronic publications. He has competed in tournament golf both as an amateur and senior professional and though his competitive days are behind him, Travis still plays regularly. He and his wife live on a water hazard in suburban Orlando.

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